I 've been awarded with the Kreative Blogger award by my lovely and incredibly sweet Marietta @Dreamville and even though I 'm thankful for all the thoughtful awards I 've received so far, I feel the need to express a special "Thank you" to her for this one...
Mariettaki, thank you so so much girl, you 've no idea what this award meant to me! Being creative and thinking outside the box is definitely not easy, especially for someone like me (that's somewhat challenged in the imagination department)! I do strive for it though and I hope that this comes across, both in the form of the blog (i.e layout), as well as in it's content! Of course, there's room for improvement, that's something to always keep in the back of my head! :)

So, here's the rules to this award:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people might find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Kreative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know they have been nominated.
Now, I 'm going to cheat a little, since I 've already posted a few stuff about me on previous award tags, so, I 'm going straight towards the nominations section!
Here's the bloggers that never fail to impress me with their creativity:
Awilda@Awilda Hearts Makeup. This lady has a fabulous blog, and is extremely talented! She 's made so many different and gorgeous looks and always finds new things to talk about!
Cat@Reaching for the Stars. I 'm certain that this girl has a wild imagination, just take a look at the makeup looks she's done and you 'll be convinced! She loves to play with her makeup and I love seeing the results!
Marietta@Dreamville. Bet you didn't see this one coming huh? This girl's creativity doesn't stop at makeup: she loves to challenge herself fashion-wise as well, not to mention she's probably a great... chef too! ;)
Michelle@Lipstick Rules. If I 'm sure about one thing about this lady is that she can talk about makeup and beauty in a million different perspectives, and I can assure you, the one is more interesting that the other!
Muhsine@Bubblegarm. Nothing that you haven't already figured out about her: she's never afraid to mix things up and has an eye for detail! Oh, and yeah, if she wants sth that she can't find, she's probably gonna make it herself!
Stefanie@The Lip Print. The ultimate person that can make you feel guilty about not making the most out of your stash - in a good way! Give her 5 products and I guarantee you that she'll come up with 50 beautiful looks!
Tackyblueeyeshadow. Amazing makeup skills and I love how she incorporates different genres, themes and styles to her looks, so that each is completely different than the previous one!
So, that was it for now guys!
Hope that you all have a great week and... see you soon! :)
Wow thanks so much for the mention!! ♥
ReplyDeleteAw, Thank you so much for this hun! :) x
ReplyDeleteHi there,
ReplyDeleteJust came across your blog and it's really cool.
Please come and have a look at mine.
Hope to see you soon.
@Stefanie: You 're most welcome dear, the way you use the products in your collection is always an inspiration! :) xoxo
ReplyDelete@tackyblueeyeshadow: From my point of view, it wouldn't be fair not to award you with this, I mean, look at all your different looks! ;) Lol! xxxx
I totally agree with your love for Lipstick rules...she can just make any post oh so interesting!!!